Therapeutic Massage Experiences

Slip into the slower pace of Exmoor by indulging yourself with a therapeutic massage in your cabin/treehouse.
After a long walk on the Moor, a bespoke treatment under bird song will find you at peace.
With no need to be elsewhere, take time for you and give back to your body. 

There are two bespoke experiences on offer from Rosie:

Hygge Experience

Hygge - Taking time away from the daily rush to be together with people you care about - or even by yourself - to relax and enjoy life’s quieter pleasures. (Danish) 

Lay down for 90 minutes of you time, and say thank you
to your body. The ultimate self care. This therapeutic Massage works head to toe, melting tension away,
easing those aches & pains and quieting your stresses. Treatments balance deep tissue techniques with restorative strokes, indulging in a dreamy face & scalp massage that will leave you floating. Gentle movement and fascial release are woven into your treatment, guaranteeing that you
will be so relaxed you’ll have difficulty peeling yourself
off the couch at the end.

Lagom Experience

x2 60 minute massages

Lagom - “Not too little, not too much – just right”;
if everyone takes a lagom amount from life,
they will be content

Invite balance into your life and settle into a 60 minute therapeutic massage. Restoring equilibrium in your body by slowing down your systems, stopping the racing mind and allowing your muscles to relax. Treatments are carefully crafted to your needs, making the most of your time on the couch. From deep work into achey muscles to flowing treatments that let you float away.

Treatments are carried out by Rosie, our local massage therapist. An empathetic and nurturing practitioner, passionate about giving personalised, holistic and healing massages.

Extensively trained in Devon, Bristol & London she is ready to weave some extra self care
into your country escape.
Book in advance to avoid disappointment

x2 90 minute massages